Stephan Lahl

17 Kommentare

  1. Tom KOhlrausch

    Lieber Stephan, ich hab erst jetzt erfahren, dass du über die Regenbogenbrücke gegangen bist. Ich hab dich als Freund geschätzt und ich hab gern mit dir trainiert.
    Wir werden uns dereinst wiedersehen, drüben auf der anderen Seite des Regenbogens.

  2. Michael Derpsch

    Ich habe oft mit Stephan während der Taiji Herbstcamps zusammen im Gym übernachten. Er war speziell, aber immer hilfsbereit und ein Mensch mit einem guten Herzen und viel Leidenschaft für sein Hobby Taijiquan.

    Rest in peace Stephan, dass Ende ist nur ein Anfang und wo immer Dein wahres Inneres jetzt ist möge es Dir gut gehen.


  3. Anonym


  4. Sylvia Scholtz

    Kann es nicht glauben! RIP! Ingrid wartet auf dich!

  5. Anonym

    Kann es nicht glauben! RIP! Ingrid wartet auf dich!

  6. Aqsa Malik

    When I joined SUSE 3 years ago Stephan volunteered to help me with the onboarding and he did make sure that I had everything setup in no time.
    He use to sit across from me pre-covid times, had the biggest smile whenever we passed by each other in the corridor, and gifted his plants to me when he eventually settled for home office.

    He could really talk about anything and everything and was a treat to listen to, also had great hints and recommendations about stuff at work and life in Germany.
    Though we didn’t communicate much after doing home office Stephan was still available when I asked him help last year with my work related struggles.
    Indeed a genuine, straightforward and encouraging person.

    My deepest condolences to his family and dear ones. May you find strength and peace.

  7. Hans van den Heuvel

    I worked on occasion with Stephan before I became his manager, and it is here when I got to learn more about Stephan as a person.

    Once we got to learn each other a bit better, we had long chats about events from the past and things that kept him busy today, such as his cat, activities with the firefighter team, his martial arts, even the near future.
    I knew Stephan as always being a genuine, straightforward, and down-to-earth person that was always trying to be helpful to his colleagues. I will miss Stephan and our chats, but also, I will cherish the memories of Stephan and remember his witts during our conversations.

    I hope Stephan may once again be reunited with his wife.
    Rest in peace Stephan…

    My sincere condolences to Stephan’s sister, his family and friends, and everyone that held him dear, I am sorry for your loss.

  8. Roland Haidl

    Stephan Lahl bleibt mir, auch wenn wir nie direkt zusammengearbeitet haben, immer als verläßlicher, ehrlicher und durchaus auch kritischer Kollege in Erinnerung. Er hatte eine eigene Meinung, war aber Argumenten stets aufgeschlossen. Ich werde die Gespräche mit ihm vermissen. Als Kollege hinterläßt er eine Lücke.

    Möge er in Frieden ruhen.

  9. Petr Uzel

    Few years back, I have been working closely with Stephan as his manager and from these times, I will always remember him as being a real team player, willing to help others at all times and also as a person with a very special sense of humor. I will miss him. Please accept my condolences for your loss.

  10. Vasilis Liaskovitis

    I work in the same team as Stephan, but live in a different town. I got to meet him in various face-to-face events and labs. Talking to Stephan over drinks was always a highlight of these events. He could talk about such a wide breadth of topics, from different kinds of herbs, to linguistics, to cats, you name it.

    He had a great, dry sense of humour and a gleam of mischief in his eyes that I found very invigorating. The sort of colleague I would love to have a chat with while brewing coffee in the office kitchen.

    I was deeply saddened and shocked to learn of his passing. My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

    Farewell Stephan! We will miss you.

  11. Chris Randles

    I knew Stephan only by the updates he made in bugzilla when helping to solve the complex problems of our customers. I never really got to know him, but then, bugzilla is not a place to chit-chat.

    Never the less, interaction on any level is still interaction. You still
    make a connection of one type or another. Stephan’s passing still affects me and makes me sad that he is gone from our world and sad for his family and friends (and his cat). Loosing a loved one is hard to bare.

    My hope is that we all go-on in the Universe in some form or other.

    See you out there Stephan.

  12. Oscar Salvador

    Although I did not get to work with Stephan closely, I got to know him when I was living in Nuremberg.
    He was always keen to tell his stories about everything and by the way he told them, you could see he was more than happy that you listened to them.
    He got quite a sense of humor as well, not always famous, but that was Stephan too.

    I am really sorry and shocked by this news.
    My deepest condolences to his family and friends, we will remember him.

  13. Yadan Fan

    I’m really shocked when heard this sad news, I’m working in the same team with Stephan, he is quite a nice person and colleague to work with, and also has very good sense of humor, it is my privilege for the years working in the same team with Stephan.

    My deepest condolences to his family, his friends and all people caring about him.

    Rest In Peace Stephan

  14. Lidong Zhong

    I am really sad and shocked when hearing the news. Stephan was so humorous when I met him in person. He was always glad to help when I asked.
    Rest In Peace.

  15. Aziz Rozyev

    This is very sad news indeed. Even though we never meet in person, there was
    that unconscious confidence that Stephan was somewhere near to step in any
    challenging topics, always ready to give his hand. Thanks for all you’ve done
    for us.

    My deepest condolences to his family and all those close to him.

    Rest In Peace Stephan.

  16. Anonym

    „Weine nicht, weil es vorbei ist, sondern lache, weil es so schön war.“

    Mark Twain

    In tiefer Anteilnahme für alle Düsseldorfer Kollegen

  17. Ahmad Alzayed

    I am extremely sad to hear that Stephan has passed away. My thoughts and sympathy are with his family, and everyone that held him dear.

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